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Most of the data is provided by the owner of the product and therefore my contain markting material.

Name des Werkzeugs:
Name of Tool:
TeeChart for .NET
Company Name:
Steema Software


Visual Studio .NET Add-In:
Kurzbeschreibung (Deutsch): Diagramme
Description (English): 100% managed C# Net charting component with optional full C# sourcecode available. For desktop, server based and ASP.Net applications. Extensive demos for Visual Studio.NET including WinForms and ASP.Net WebForms. Database enabled, Multiple export formats, Multiple axes, Multiple Chart types in 2D, 3D and OpenGL. Custom Canvas, Grid, Toolbar and many specialist financial functions including MACD, ADX and Stochastic.
Beschreibung (Deutsch): 100% managed C# Net charting component with optional full C# sourcecode available. For desktop, server based and ASP.Net applications. Extensive demos for Visual Studio.NET including WinForms and ASP.Net WebForms.
Aktuelle Version:
Current Version:

Preis: (Euro oder US-Dollar)
Price (Euros or US-Dollar):

URL für weitere Informationen:
URL for information:
Remarks (English):


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