01.11.2013 23:45:42
RT @vibronet: the MSDN article is out! :-) "Secure ASPNET Web API with Windows Azure AD and Microsoft OWIN Components" - http://t.co/JggYB…
01.11.2013 12:01:31
RT @efmagicunicorns: We're working on a 6.0.2 patch release to address perf issues in EF6 http://t.co/a9dprS66TX
31.10.2013 18:30:15
RT @WebAPIBloggers: Adding SAML11 and SAML2 Support to Katana/OWIN http://t.co/ZS6FFcZxJh #aspnetwebapi
31.10.2013 18:29:05
RT @BASTAcon: Speaker Of The Day: Manfred Steyer aka @ManfredSteyer http://t.co/FXaLlaWgZr #bastaspeaker
31.10.2013 18:29:02
@BASTAcon Kenne ich. Sympatisches Kerlchen ;-)
31.10.2013 18:23:32
RT @jsconfeu: Crypto is important!!!
"Javascript Crypto. Ugly duckling with good reason?" by @_emboss_ http://t.co/GJznHtEhxd #video
31.10.2013 18:23:03
@shanselman I cannot "see" why ;-)
31.10.2013 18:22:18
@julielerman ... and I'm saying this with tears in my eyes being a big ef/code-only-fan ...
31.10.2013 18:20:41
@julielerman somehow migrations isn't that mature it should be, is it?
30.10.2013 20:24:27
RT @BASTAcon: Speaker Of The Day: Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg aka @DOTNETDOKTOR http://t.co/mDwmbEMRR4 #bastaspeaker
30.10.2013 05:25:04
RT @AbhishekRLal: New in #azure SDK 2.2: Partitioned Queues and Topics in #ServiceBus for higher availability and throughput http://t.co/PA…
29.10.2013 21:18:10
"Hadoop unter Azure zu verwenden ist einfacher, als ein Smartphone mit Outlook zu syncen" -- HP Grahsl, Hadoop-Experte @DigitalDialog Graz
29.10.2013 21:10:10
RT @leastprivilege: NSA-Affäre: Großbritanniens Premier Cameron droht der Presse http://t.co/yb82cJxL74 via @feedly
29.10.2013 21:09:13
RT @heisedc: Hadoop-Integration in Windows Azure generell verfügbar http://t.co/d0MJfyxYAo #WindowsAzure #Hadoop
28.10.2013 20:30:30
RT @NunoGodinho: Service Bus for Windows Server 1.1 Release http://t.co/NU30DIkkSb via @feedly