03.01.2014 19:48:22
@davidfowl who says that interfaces do not build a IS-A-Relationship?
03.01.2014 19:47:19
@davidfowl and structural subtyping leads to sw that is less self-describing. we had this in C and C++ and discarded it for a good reason.
03.01.2014 19:43:32
@davidfowl Not sure, that this is a great feature. A having members that are a subset of the members of B does not mean that a B *is* an A
03.01.2014 18:55:13
@michelebusta @julielerman http://t.co/ESHgUn3u8p's provider really works fine. Whish I could say the same about the official ora-provider
03.01.2014 18:41:09
RT @MasoudMassi: "2013 ist Continuous Delivery im Mainstream ankommen" | JAXenter.de http://t.co/3KqRFdnEWK
02.01.2014 02:58:13
RT @julielerman: RT @skift: 2014 Needs to Be the Year of Free Hotel Wi-Fi http://t.co/CgBRWdOa8v /via @LaurenGoode
01.01.2014 02:55:26
RT @BASTAcon: Happy New Year, Folks! We look forward to seeing you in 2014!
31.12.2013 22:23:55
RT @slace: Just in time for NYE - LINQ in JavaScript with ES6, for real this time: http://t.co/nF4gT5bHK8
31.12.2013 22:23:38
@leastprivilege Btw: Wie gehst Du mit dem Problem um, dass der JWT Handler Tokens mit mehreren Aud-Claims nicht korrekt validiert?
31.12.2013 22:20:21
@leastprivilege Hab das diese Tage auch gemacht. Macht schon Spass, diese "neue" Nicht-WS-*-Welt. Fühlt sich irgendwie richtiger an ...
31.12.2013 21:59:21
RT @WindowsAzure: Expand business around the globe via the cloud, like @socrata did with #WindowsAzure - Case study: http://t.co/ARUgPUgCk5…
31.12.2013 01:46:46
RT @efmagicunicorns: Just in case you missed it - EF 6.1 Alpha 1 Available http://t.co/N2goZC3WnG
30.12.2013 23:37:12
RT @efmagicunicorns: New Docs - Code First Migrations with an Existing Database http://t.co/jM3mwhmcGK
30.12.2013 22:49:10
RT @sjnaughton: #Bootstrap #AspNet #DynamicData base Project Template on #VisualStudioGallery now here http://t.co/A0RWyXAegz
30.12.2013 12:27:36
RT @filip_woj: nice - HTTP/2.0 with Katana from MS Open Tech https://t.co/sedp9ap2Dj