10.01.2014 00:43:00
@michelebusta oh, i see. therefore vim ...
10.01.2014 00:13:25
@michelebusta do you use xmlreader oder xmldocument?
Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
09.01.2014 12:51:00
Die Folien des öffentlichen DOTNET-DOKTOR-Vortrags am 8.1.2014 in Dortmund stehen zum Download zur Verfügung,
08.01.2014 21:02:07
RT @efmagicunicorns: Improving EF Startup Performance with NGen http://t.co/uyvUWsUTfi
08.01.2014 07:03:36
@markrussinovich @vibronet Btw: IMHO Azure DO deserve to be there in the right upper corner. Congrats!!!
08.01.2014 07:01:47
@markrussinovich @vibronet On the other side: Azure is also on the IaaS Quadrant.
08.01.2014 06:59:49
@markrussinovich @vibronet Find it interresting, that Amazon istn't mentioned there. Of course, the come from IaaS but Elastic Beanstalk ...
08.01.2014 06:55:31
RT @markrussinovich: Windows Azure (Microsoft) lands today as a leader in Gartner's PaaS magic quadrant! http://t.co/mP4nzZPghL
07.01.2014 18:54:12
RT @jmhodges: I've just released https://t.co/M8YZKG3ku3. It talks to you about the security of your TLS web client. It's been handy.
07.01.2014 11:27:40
RT @heiseonline: Netflix will zweite Staffel von "House of Cards" in Ultra HD streamen http://t.co/LtI3Jf1abB #Fernsehen #CES
07.01.2014 10:26:11
RT @judithlung: Hybrid-Revolution auf der #CES2014 – #Windows und #Android auf einem Gerät http://t.co/5vaT4gdz3d
07.01.2014 10:23:35
RT @RickStrahl: Blogged: JavaScript JSON Date Parsing and real Dates http://t.co/aVljMQRhHj #JavaScript #JSON
07.01.2014 00:53:36
RT @filip_woj: a good GUI is a million times more efficient than command line. just stop with the command line love fest already
06.01.2014 05:54:55
RT @mkristensen: I spent all day updating the Web Essentials feature list on http://t.co/Wf3DYkRkjR. Almost done!
...for now
06.01.2014 05:54:55
RT @mkristensen: I spent all day updating the Web Essentials feature list on http://t.co/Wf3DYkRkjR. Almost done!
...for now