20.01.2014 18:44:18
RT @iXmagazin: Browserkommunikation über Domaingrenzen hinweg http://t.co/Uh3UKT1c9a #W3C
20.01.2014 18:02:48
RT @chwenz: CORS goes "final": http://t.co/HunwleWWE2 #fb
20.01.2014 08:00:37
RT @KarimaZannotti: As Hadoop 2.0 hits the streets, big data skills in high demand http://t.co/wbxk8NY00h
20.01.2014 08:00:37
RT @KarimaZannotti: As Hadoop 2.0 hits the streets, big data skills in high demand http://t.co/wbxk8NY00h
20.01.2014 08:00:37
RT @KarimaZannotti: As Hadoop 2.0 hits the streets, big data skills in high demand http://t.co/wbxk8NY00h
Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
19.01.2014 13:27:00
Der kostenfreie Vortrag zur Webentwicklung mit Node.js findet am Mittwoch, den 5. Februar, von 18 bis circa 21 Uhr bei der User Group Dortmund statt.
15.01.2014 21:08:00
Der Anwendungscode kann unter Verwendung des AuthenticationManagers mit den Handlern von Authentication-Middleware-Komponenten kommunizieren. Ein Beispiel da...
14.01.2014 17:04:19
RT @rstropek: Just added #Java and #BizTalk related sessions to Austrian #globalwindowsazure event plan https://t.co/zSjS5iU41V #windowsazu…
13.01.2014 19:38:07
RT @hortonworks: [VIDEO] 'How YARN changed Apache Hadoop' http://t.co/feAJ8JhBLi
13.01.2014 19:32:54
@gblock The ending was great !!!
13.01.2014 16:30:40
RT @BASTAcon: Keynote Speakers 2014: @shanselman (@Microsoft) @DGreitens (@ywp7) @UdiDahan (@ParticularSW) http://t.co/pB5t4wsxzL #bastacon
11.01.2014 15:59:15
Introduction to HTML5 Desktop Apps With Node-Webkit http://t.co/6uPI5hm3n2
10.01.2014 12:34:21
RT @aspnet: Spotlight: Using Dependency Injection with http://t.co/eFOzgs22K8 Web API Hosted on Katana: Ravi Ki... http://t.co/2laGkCH9Xk #…
10.01.2014 10:17:24
RT @NunoGodinho: RT @markrussinovich: #WindowsAzure has been in market for only 4 years, and is already a Leader in #PaaS http://t.co/fDGod…
10.01.2014 05:19:51
@michelebusta yea, it is for people with "very special interests" ... :-)