12.03.2014 09:34:52
@Pe_D @fluentconf Peter, what do you mean, when you say 'wired gotchas' when it comes to angularjs?
12.03.2014 09:32:36
RT @Pe_D: Why Ember? #FluentConf http://t.co/cAspSkqRdq
12.03.2014 09:31:48
RT @Pe_D: Why Angular? #FluentConf http://t.co/yLtcLDwGV7
11.03.2014 21:44:10
RT @gblock: Full house at the angular JS workshop at # FluentConf! http://t.co/x2NmLaRl3o
11.03.2014 21:24:03
RT @nikmd23: Great article by @jbogard on how to improve Entity Framework queries with EF.Extended & AutoMapper projections. http://t.co/0I…
10.03.2014 22:02:11
Verschachtelte Views mit AngularJS und UI-Router http://t.co/QmK9s90R2G
10.03.2014 21:55:00
Das externe Modul UI-Router (https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router) gibt dem Entwickler die Mögl...
10.03.2014 16:18:46
RT @NunoGodinho: Introduction to #WindowsAzure Active Directory http://t.co/ZeMlk9a5gd
10.03.2014 14:03:54
RT @NunoGodinho: Cross-browser JavaScript Testing with Karma and Visual Studio http://t.co/CNpwWhXfK5
10.03.2014 14:03:18
RT @filip_woj: nice! - Microsoft Open Technologies is releasing a SignalR software development kit for Android/Java developers http://t.co/…
09.03.2014 21:27:29
RT @hadoopsummit: Hadoop Summit Europe, Amsterdam, 2-3 April 2014: Register today! http://t.co/OSyG0HddMI
09.03.2014 14:32:12
RT @addyosmani: The @angularjs 2.0 change detection is now available as a standalone library called watchtower.js (written in ES6!): https:…
08.03.2014 11:39:43
RT @WebAPIBloggers: Per request tracing in http://t.co/ve3Lsjledx Web API http://t.co/oqrrJ4WmJg #aspnetwebapi
08.03.2014 09:10:27
RT @DOTNETDOKTOR: Links zu meinen Vorträgen auf der Frühjahrs-BASTA: #TypeScript, #ASP.NET #Metadaten #ENtityFramework http://t.co/9rARCDIC…
08.03.2014 09:07:37
RT @joewalnes: SOAP. Simple Object Access Protocol. Except it's not Simple, it's Complicated. And it's not about Objects, it's about RPC. S…