Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
03.04.2014 19:52:22
RT @DotNet: Starting at 1pm, Jay Schmelzer on The Present and Future of .NET in a World of Devices and Services #bldwin http://t.co/ltElg8k…
03.04.2014 19:23:58
RT @DotNet: Starting at 1pm, Jay Schmelzer on The Present and Future of .NET in a World of Devices and Services #bldwin http://t.co/ltElg8k…
03.04.2014 19:19:52
@shanselman what do you guys think about mozilla's decision regarding this?
03.04.2014 19:18:03
@oscargodson @nrrrdcore
03.04.2014 19:18:02
@oscargodson @nrrrdcore I don't share Eich's opinion towards this topic, but I'm very sorry, that he has to go after he sayed what he thinks
03.04.2014 19:07:14
RT @fluentconf: It's here! Complete archive of #FluentConf 2014 has arrived - now you can watch all the sessions you missed in person http:…
03.04.2014 19:01:12
RT @mszcool: Java on #azure Websites with Tomcat and Jetty... #bldwin
03.04.2014 18:02:07
RT @pcgeek86: #Microsoft is literally the only company that could truly change my mindset around #cloud. Incredible. #Azure #bldwin
03.04.2014 17:43:21
RT @DOTNETDOKTOR: Werkzeug WebMAP2 von http://t.co/mXteVwYmYn (Artinsoft) kann eine Windows Forms-Anwendung in HTML5-/ JavaScript-Anwendung…
03.04.2014 17:39:23
RT @writeline: Azure Web Jobs on stage #bldwin Here a video I did on it a couple of weeks ago http://t.co/OKGgLx7I3i
03.04.2014 17:39:13
RT @msdev_de: #bdwin Web announcements http://t.co/PWByCgkNDE
03.04.2014 17:38:30
RT @msdev_de: #Azure Mobile Services now supports #ActiveDirectory
#bldwin http://t.co/qYulm9HJIu
Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
03.04.2014 17:38:08
Werkzeug WebMAP2 von http://t.co/mXteVwYmYn (Artinsoft) kann eine Windows Forms-Anwendung in HTML5-/ JavaScript-Anwendung transformieren.
03.04.2014 17:37:58
RT @TheRomit: ScottGu: "we have heard a lot of you want to use SSL, but also, a lot of you don't want to pay for it" LOL.
Azure now has fr…
03.04.2014 17:37:12
RT @msdev_de: Mobile announcements #bldwin http://t.co/Z0Fksn60NW