11.04.2014 20:31:38
RT @filip_woj: lol why am I not surprised? NSA used Heartbleed exploit for 'years' without alerting affected websites, the public http://t.…
11.04.2014 20:29:49
RT @AngularJS_News: Creating an AngularJS Directive from one of your existing plugins/scripts http://t.co/yvGzPm8xvD
11.04.2014 20:29:23
RT @codinghorror: so you're mad about something on the Internet.. http://t.co/f4GVXg5Vvz http://t.co/zwfbn9J9ZW
11.04.2014 20:24:05
@TorstenWeber frage mich, wie "ganz klar unterscheiden" geprüft wird...
11.04.2014 20:21:51
RT @abt_programming: "Microsoft phasing out the TFS and moving to Git. Unofficially confirmed at a TFS presentation today in Oslo." - @Jor…
11.04.2014 13:37:01
RT @IrisClasson: Learn Swedish: Gift means poison, slut means 'end' or 'sold out'. Use with care! Bad ad: http://t.co/FFxBb5nFR2
11.04.2014 08:57:45
RT @leastprivilege: List of Libaries and Projects for OpenID Connect and JWT http://t.co/lOlUyMnzYo #openidconnect #jwt
09.04.2014 21:50:04
good reading http://t.co/c1TkUnMoC2
09.04.2014 19:50:13
RT @filip_woj: blogged - Opt in and opt out from http://t.co/dKLbi1gFYe Web API Help Page - http://t.co/TzxkX0d7oo
09.04.2014 19:48:49
RT @SignalR: You can now see the doc issues/updates we're working on like any other work https://t.co/kzWN76C7Kr #SignalR
09.04.2014 19:48:34
RT @AriyaHidayat: Missed my @fluentconf talk on JavaScript API? Watch its 28-minute video https://t.co/Yk9WbIhEQW #fluentconf
09.04.2014 08:44:40
RT @BASTAcon: Noch bis 8. Mai Workshops For Free sichern, bspw. Live-Coding oder Professional #JavaScript Workshop. http://t.co/XOw20ZLYf8 …
09.04.2014 07:03:14
Der @DOTNETDOKTOR und ich sprechen heute am .NET Architecture Camp in München über AngularJS mit TypeScript.
09.04.2014 07:00:43
RT @AzureMobile: Push Notifications Using Notification Hub and .NET Backend http://t.co/r7CYZNKgpF
09.04.2014 07:00:03
RT @efmagicunicorns: Finding the Mapping Between Types & Tables with EF6.1 http://t.co/ZmA6qwDu87