28.04.2014 17:15:15
@TotherAlistair great book, crystal clear is "the scrum, we deserve"
28.04.2014 17:14:00
@michelebusta did you try owin and katana?
28.04.2014 17:12:22
RT @vibronet: Use OWIN & #AzureAD to secure both MVC UX and Web API in the same project! http://t.co/MuKJW6bJHG
28.04.2014 17:11:36
RT @NunoGodinho: Microsoft #Azure Intelligent Systems Service (aka IoT) Limited Beta http://t.co/cFF9tUIZ4v #Cloud
28.04.2014 17:11:22
RT @NunoGodinho: Announcing New MongoDB Instances on Microsoft #Azure http://t.co/R3iIP2xXDb #Cloud. Great to see this happening. Very impo…
28.04.2014 17:11:12
RT @NunoGodinho: Automating VM Customization tasks using Custom Script Extension http://t.co/RT6y8Kx2Yx #Cloud #Azure
28.04.2014 17:10:59
RT @NunoGodinho: #Microsoft extends its commitments to data privacy http://t.co/joe4llnSVw #Cloud #Azure. This is very important
28.04.2014 17:10:54
RT @NunoGodinho: #Azure #SQL Database introduces new service tiers http://t.co/XQuryhlMDG
28.04.2014 13:00:00
Gerade unser neues Buch zu ASPNET und JavaScript zum 1. Mal live gesehen.Hat'n Hardcover #coole-sache http://t.co/f9x62lxYAw
22.04.2014 11:30:37
RT @win_developer: #JavaScript-Framework Kendo UI wird #OpenSource http://t.co/zHX5Svnu81
22.04.2014 11:30:37
RT @win_developer: #JavaScript-Framework Kendo UI wird #OpenSource http://t.co/zHX5Svnu81
22.04.2014 08:01:06
IT-Visions-Infotag zu modernen Web-Anwendungen mit JavaScript in Graz: http://t.co/WgRLBqaNFC, Early-Bird-Rabatt noch bis 10. 5. 2014
21.04.2014 21:53:35
RT @larsklint: I just blogged -> Building Universal Apps for Windows Phone http://t.co/lZOW9KlWvq #wpdev @gcaughey @dvlup #wp81 http://t.co…
21.04.2014 21:53:18
RT @moellenbeck: nice intro in the new #di module of #angularjs - http://t.co/vx9Kbz3Kbx
20.04.2014 10:43:22
RT @AngularJS_News: AngularJS Directives, Using Isolated Scope with Attributes http://t.co/YxJJI5ax0O