12.05.2014 14:59:11
@shanselman will this be streamed?
Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
12.05.2014 14:55:03
Azure RemoteApp: Windows-Anwendungen in Azure betreiben und auf Windows, iOS, OS/X und Android anzeigen lassen. #msTechEd
12.05.2014 14:52:39
RT @Azure: Azure RemoteApp now in public preview! http://t.co/QpIejMe3gV #Azure #msTechEd http://t.co/jRRUV1WHc1
12.05.2014 14:52:29
RT @vibronet: OpenID Connect & WS-Fed OWIN Components: Design Principles, Object Model and Pipeline Deep Dive #AzureAD http://t.co/oXS6g2US…
12.05.2014 14:52:00
RT @Azure: Announced today, coming soon: Azure Site Recovery, for cost-effective disaster recovery in the #cloud #msTechEd http://t.co/wShd…
12.05.2014 14:51:44
RT @Azure: Just announced: API Management now in preview! #msTechEd #Azure http://t.co/FFoGlsblwo http://t.co/xcTGXynkMg
12.05.2014 14:51:44
RT @Azure: Just announced: API Management now in preview! #msTechEd #Azure http://t.co/FFoGlsblwo http://t.co/xcTGXynkMg
12.05.2014 14:50:30
RT @Azure: Azure Files now in public preview! #Azure #msTechEd http://t.co/arJ7hjkf93 http://t.co/iw90Urguwr
12.05.2014 14:50:30
RT @Azure: Azure Files now in public preview! #Azure #msTechEd http://t.co/arJ7hjkf93 http://t.co/iw90Urguwr
12.05.2014 14:21:06
RT @msdev: Enterprise devs: catch the live action from #msTechEd and hear what's new and what's ahead: http://t.co/sOcVIW5k7h http://t.co/c…
12.05.2014 13:10:52
RT @ErichGamma: The April update for @VisualStudio Online "Monaco" http://t.co/OnkFmfQx8q
12.05.2014 13:10:52
RT @ErichGamma: The April update for @VisualStudio Online "Monaco" http://t.co/OnkFmfQx8q
12.05.2014 13:10:52
RT @ErichGamma: The April update for @VisualStudio Online "Monaco" http://t.co/OnkFmfQx8q
12.05.2014 12:27:18
RT @BASTAcon: Die Browser schlagen zurück! Wie sicher sind eingebaute XSS-Filter und mehr? - Die Session m. @chwenz http://t.co/G3r5KUeaSZ
12.05.2014 12:26:28
RT @heisedc: Der Dotnet-Doktor: Live-Übertragung der Keynote von Microsofts TechEd Nord Amerika 2014 http://t.co/6QT5uikfpn