12.05.2014 16:11:14
RT @DOTNETDOKTOR: Visual Studio Online (VSO) bietet nun ein REST-API zur Integration mit anderen Anwendungen [http://t.co/SHHNidNdQL]
12.05.2014 16:10:32
RT @martinfowler: Our next #IsTDDDead with @dhh @KentBeck and myself will be on Friday May 16 at 11am Eastern time
12.05.2014 16:10:29
RT @joshtwist: Congratulations to the API management team on a successful launch - find out more here: http://t.co/eWY2CYDJhh #azureapiman
Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
12.05.2014 15:43:01
Visual Studio Online (VSO) bietet nun ein REST-API zur Integration mit anderen Anwendungen [http://t.co/SHHNidNdQL]
12.05.2014 15:37:04
RT @VisualStudio: Just announced: Today, we are rolling out new API's for #Visual Studio Online! #msTechEd #vsonline http://t.co/gwGK80VNX7
12.05.2014 15:36:47
RT @resing: #msteched announcement: Visual Studio preview for Apache Cordova - build for iOS + Android http://t.co/kgJeY6Er44 http://t.co/N…
12.05.2014 15:36:04
RT @TechEd_NA: Previewed for the first time today at #msTechEd...@Azure Remote App! #Azure #Cloud http://t.co/nm7qvz7yMp
12.05.2014 15:35:42
RT @DOTNETDOKTOR: Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 "RTM" jetzt verfügbar: http://t.co/JkW1wVwIme
12.05.2014 15:35:36
RT @VisualStudio: Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 is now available for download! http://t.co/IkEQr8Q7bB http://t.co/16ujnhFRNg
12.05.2014 15:34:53
RT @TechEd_NA: Announcing that the Enterprise Mobility Suite (EMS) in @Azure will start at $4/user per month. #msTechEd http://t.co/jjFfxsd…
12.05.2014 15:34:53
RT @TechEd_NA: Announcing that the Enterprise Mobility Suite (EMS) in @Azure will start at $4/user per month. #msTechEd http://t.co/jjFfxsd…
12.05.2014 15:30:05
RT @DOTNETDOKTOR: Azure RemoteApp: Windows-Anwendungen in Azure betreiben und auf Windows, iOS, OS/X und Android anzeigen lassen. #msTechEd
Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
12.05.2014 15:27:44
Vorabversion von Apache Cordova für Visual Studio 2013: Multi-Device Hybrid Apps (Preview): http://t.co/9T9JXijV9r
Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
12.05.2014 15:21:16
Visual Studio unterstützt nun Apache Cordova #msteched.
Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
12.05.2014 15:03:33
Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 "RTM" jetzt verfügbar: http://t.co/JkW1wVwIme