Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
20.09.2017 10:40:45
RT @ChristianNagel: Windows 10 Insider SDK Preview Build 16288 available https://t.co/RsDYDdW1qu #Windows10
Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
20.09.2017 10:29:29
@hercegtomas @ziki_cz I don't think this will be included in the Windows Compatibility Pack for .NET Core :-)))
Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
20.09.2017 10:12:56
Programmiersprachen: C# 8.0 soll Fehler mit null verhindern |
heise Developer
Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
20.09.2017 06:02:36
@hadi77ir @stuartblang No worries: There will be a compiler switch. You can chooce to keep the old behaviour for nu… https://t.co/wpBqQavVcj
Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
20.09.2017 05:57:51
@DeveloperArnab @VisualStudio The C# 8 compiler will warn you if you assign null to a reference type variable that… https://t.co/4DjKZMQUBB
Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
19.09.2017 20:03:28
@fredyfx String are nullable since .NET 1.0. But in the future it will be the standard that they are not nullable :… https://t.co/LXTxhZESUZ
Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
19.09.2017 20:01:39
@MattCanello It's not only for strings, it's for all reference types. I am sure you have code where you don't check… https://t.co/dmikhNb80y
Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
19.09.2017 19:29:41
@DavidArno @pkanavos @MadsTorgersen Watch: https://t.co/p8sJYP3Kg5
Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
19.09.2017 19:23:42
@studiodelatorre Yes, as far as I understood @migueldeicaza in his #dotnetconf keynote. But not in the near future.… https://t.co/j2ZUdZ3n2u
Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
19.09.2017 19:09:50
@NimbusHex The C# 8 Compiler will help you to prevent a NullReferenceException by issuing warnings if you are assig… https://t.co/JnDJMo2JLl
Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
19.09.2017 19:08:16
@SivuMakhonco @shanselman The C# 8 Compiler will help you to prevent a NullReferenceException by issuing warnings i… https://t.co/S6WJUMCg6V
Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
19.09.2017 19:06:01
@rogersbra The C# 8 Compiler will help you to prevent NullReferenceException by issuing warnings if you are assigni… https://t.co/CMyLStjzVr
Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
19.09.2017 19:01:57
@me_wilczynski @theSdev @VisualStudio Yes. This will avoid NullReferenceExceptions! https://t.co/CZXYmMGfYI
Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
19.09.2017 19:00:32
@MattCanello To avoid NullReferenceExceptions!!! see https://t.co/CZXYmMGfYI
Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
19.09.2017 18:04:42
Microsoft kündigt Windows Compatibility Pack für .NET Core an |
heise Developer