Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
07.05.2019 06:05:40
RT @atwork: So, we will see a bunch of new #Azure updates at #MSBUILD @Azure https://t.co/MWI9eIzRd7
Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
07.05.2019 05:39:28
Build 2019: Entwickler können mit Visual Studio Online im Browser arbeiten | Developer https://t.co/cb5wmb59Du
Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
07.05.2019 05:08:17
The new "Windows Terminal" #MSBuild #build2019 https://t.co/y9Gt7FgjIj
Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
06.05.2019 20:42:01
"Visual Studio Online" (VSO) is back! The old name will be used for a new browser-based editor (based on Visual Stu… https://t.co/IyB5FBz2vQ
Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
06.05.2019 20:38:04
I am looking forward to .NET 5.0:
Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
06.05.2019 19:14:08
Azure SQL Database Edge: runs on small x64 and ARM devices. Why calls Microsoft "Azure" now???… https://t.co/WZvODhJzXY
Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
06.05.2019 18:40:18
Windows Subsystem for Linux v2 (WSL2)
Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
06.05.2019 18:36:10
In the near future, you can sign in to the Azure Portal and the Azure DevOps Portal with your Github account.… https://t.co/ILdGrnqXvK
Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
06.05.2019 18:34:42
Github Support for Azure Active Directory: sync Github teams with AAD groups #msbuild #build2019 @visualstudio… https://t.co/oU0W61ITcz
Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
06.05.2019 18:32:47
@AzureDevOps: now with templates for Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) deployment #msbuild #build2019 @azure… https://t.co/YoSgjSc0j5
Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
06.05.2019 18:31:42
@AzureDevOps: now you can have a single YAML definition file for build (CI) and release (CD) pipelines. The YAML fi… https://t.co/2LVjCmynWH
Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
06.05.2019 18:27:58
YAML-Pipeline-Definitionsdokumente (Build and Release Pipelines) können im Quellcodeverwaltungssystem eingecheckt s… https://t.co/o83F7VILAj
Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
06.05.2019 18:27:41
Bisher konnten Azure DevOps-Nutzer die neuen YAML-basierten Pipeline-Definitionen nur für Build Pipelines nutzen. N… https://t.co/IVT5W4SqpS
Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
06.05.2019 18:24:55
The new "Windows Terminal": multiple tabs, colourful, unicode, emojis, extensions. For CMD, PowerShell and WSL Shel… https://t.co/CRerHsZE2z
Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
06.05.2019 18:10:17
A new "Visual Studio Online" (VSO): Visual Studio Code in the browser. Yes, Microsoft is reusing the name that was… https://t.co/lI5wwMfXT4